Friends, foes, and fans…oh my!

Posted: September 16, 2013 in Amplified Success, Business, Communication, Leadership

For any leader who desires to live a more authentic life, in alignment with who they are created to be.

Every business, organization, and leader has friends, foes, and fans as part of what they do. As a leader do you cater to only your fans? Or, out of fear or ‘negative press’ do you cower to what your foes are saying. Authentic leaders don’t sway necessarily to one side or the other. If you try to appease or please others, they will drive every decision you make as a leader.

Travis Waits, founder of Amplified Success, coaches the leaders he works with to hold the middle ground. Whether it’s an ally or an adversary, at the end of the day, leaders need to function in alignment with who they are, and not play to the crowd. Now, your friends will always be with you, on the good days that are successful. As well as on the days that are a challenging failure. You’ll know they’re your friends however because their opinion of you doesn’t change, the remain faithful and committed.

The next time you hear some noise from a fan, or even a foe (yes…they never seem to go away…), don’t let the cheers or the jeers sway you away from what your core mission is. Hold your vision tightly, and allow your true friends to encourage you as you continue to strive to make an impact.

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